FAQsAbout pool inspectors
Q. How do I choose a pool inspector?
A. Pool safety Inspectors may be researched on the Pool Safety Register - http://www.dip.qld.gov.au/pool-safety/pool-safety-register.html
Always check that the person doing your inspection is listed on the register and produces his credentials at the time of the inspection.
Q. How much will it cost?
A. Service fees will vary, however it seems the average fee starts at around $275 for a non shared pool. When selecting a pool inspector, obtain a written quote for your particular situation. Be alert to additional charges for second gates etc.
Q. What happens if my pool is noncompliant?
A. For minor repairs or minor works up to a value of $3300 inc GST the Pool Safety Inspector will provide a detailed report on what needs to be attended to and will provide appropriate solution suggestions. A follow up inspection will be required and a service fee will be payable.
For major works a licensed contractor will need to be engaged and a development application lodged with the local government authority.
Q. Do I have to use the same pool inspector for follow up inspections after minor repairs or minor works?
A. Yes
For property owners
Q. My house has been listed for sale prior to the 1st December, 2010. Do I still need to have the pool inspected?
A. Yes. If the settlement is on or after the 1st December, 2010 a Pool Safety Certificate is required or a disclosure document must be provided to the
purchasor. Your legal advisor will assist you in that regard.
Q. What if my neighbour’s trees on their side of the fence make my pool non-compliant?
A. Your Pool safety Inspector will provide options for solving problems caused by dividing fences.
For Tenants
Q. I lease a property with a pool. Is it my responsibility to arrange for an inspection of the pool?
A. No. It is the responsibility of the property owner. As a tenant, you should be aware that by law, the pool must have a Pool safety Certificate for any rental agreement from 1st December, 2010. Talk to your landlord or rental agency if this has not been carried out.
For Property Managers
Q. Some of the rental properties that we manage have lease dates expiring in early 2011. Should we have pool inspections done before the lease expires?
A. Yes, as soon as possible. By doing so, you avoid delays in accessing trades people to carry out repairs where necessary. Remember, you cannot re-lease a property to an existing tenant or have a new tenant move into a property without a Pool Safety Certificate.
Q. If one of the properties I manage has a change of tenant after the pool has been certified, does the pool have to re-inspected for the new tenant’s lease?
A. No. For a non shared pool the Pool Safety Certificate will have a currency of two years.